Doctor of Self-Worth

“On October 12, 2016, Mr. Wainberg discovered that he was born with heart disease and needed urgent major surgery. This condition was a complete shock to him as a 57-year-old non-smoking and non-drinking and fit athlete.

His first thought was “death” and then immediately followed by “fulfilment and life”. Mr. Wainberg said to himself at that moment “Life, is what I want” but as he looked back on his life, he realized that he was confused about many aspects of life because of an inferior education system that did not properly prepare him for adulthood.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify

Peter Wainberg is an author, educator, and Life Coach specializing in Heart Health and Self-Love. Mr. Wainberg is also an international speaker helping people have the freedom to live their healthiest and happiest lives. Mr. Wainberg is also the creator and owner of Freedomland, an education company helping to bridge the education gap between graduation and adulthood, specializing in great wisdom about life and life’s journey to heart health, freedom, greatness, love, and happiness.

Mr. Wainberg did not know anything about heart disease awareness, prevention or heart health nor did anyone he knew, and he wanted to help people to learn while reducing stress and anxiety about the #1 killer of humans, heart disease. Mr. Wainberg struggled to find a complete book with a basic introduction to heart health so he created his book called “My Heart Handbook”, an introduction to heart disease awareness and prevention including a list of all the test procedures and target numbers one needs to achieve to optimize their heart health.

His passion today is to be a spokesperson about life and life’s journey to heart health. He loves to share his stories, books, and website to help educate people about the great secrets he discovered while transforming into his ultimate heart health and great life!

A free copy of Mr. Wainberg’s heart book is available on his website or

If you want to learn more and want to schedule a free consultation about your heart health, then please click the link here: Mr Wainberg says, “Life is short, life is precious”, start your journey to your heart health, freedom, greatness, and happiness today!

You can follow Mr Wainberg on social media on Facebook and Instagram @peterwainbergfreedom. Please also visit Mr. Wainberg’s website
and contact him at

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